Set up Your Teen For Financial Success

Starting Early Is The Key.

Teen Money Skills For A Life Of Freedom

The 3 Pillars Of Money Skills

Money Management 101

Money Skills teaches young people how to work with a spending plan, how to start building wealth, and what positive money habits look like.

Money Growth Mindset

What we think and how we feel about money has the greatest impact on the actions we take. Learn how to cultivate a positive money mindset that allow money habits to stick.

Money in the Digital Age

Get ready for the Future of Work. Understand the different types of income streams available for young adults and how to monetize their gifts.

Give Young People The Tools To Excel

The results?

"I got my parents to set up a RESP for me."

"After learning about money with Emma, I have increased the amount of money I have. I even got my parents to set up a RESP for me."

Jayden, 15

"I am less stressed about my future."

"I am less stressed in regards to making plans for my future and I feel I have a good game plan for pursuing my career and finances"

Sarah, 21

"There are more ways of making money."

"It made me realize there's more ways to make money than a job or investing in the stock market."

KeJon, 19

"Don't get stuck in a false mindset."

"I especially appreciated the lifestyle calculator and learning how to not get stuck in a false mindset."

Bobby, 18

"I wish I had this program as a teen!"

"I honestly wish I had this program as a teen!"

Jonathan, Parent

"It took the pressure off of us as parents."

"It took the pressure and stress off of us as parents and my daughter actually enjoyed working on it."

Michele, Parent

Schools don't set up for Financial Success

Does your teen have access to basic financial education?

If so, you are one of the lucky ones. I’ve worked with families all across the country and with schools all across my city and I have only seen very few opportunities for young people to learn even basics about managing their money.

This is why it didn’t surprise me to learn that up until the events of 2020, the #1 cause of stress in the U.S. was money. 

Avoid the common mistakes that lead to money stress. 

Starting Early is Key 

Starting early is key when it comes to growing wealth and setting oneself up for financial ease. Many young people feel they have to wait until they graduate from college with a full time job before they can start investing.

Most teens simply don’t realize there are simple things they can do to start growing wealth now. 

Not only do they have the benefit of longer term growth but they also have the benefit of fewer financial commitments vying for their income. High school and college is the perfect time to start growing wealth that will lead to more financial ease in their future.

Money Skills crunches the numbers and shows students the benefits of starting early and how much they have to gain.

Putting it in Context

If a young person is lucky they haven’t had to “worry” about money. This means that when they see an hourly wage or a yearly salary, they don’t quite grasp how that translates to what kind of lifestyle they can have on that wage. 

Money Skills helps students learn how far their money goes and what actions they can take to financially support the life they want to live. 

Your teen can have a life free of money-stress

By the end of this course, students will learn ...

✔ What positive money habits look like.

✔ How to cultivate a positive money mindset

✔ What their lifestyle as an adult is likely to cost.

✔ What different types of income streams are available to them.

✔ How to meet their financial needs regardless of occupation. 

✔ What compound interest is

✔ How to create a spending plan

✔ How they can start making and growing money while still a student

Meet Your Coach

Emma B. Perez 

Founder of Life Quest Consulting, Inc. in Canada, Be On Purpose, LLC in the U.S., and Host of Empower Your Teen, Emma is a mentor and author who specializes in helping teens and young adults craft who they want to be and how they will impact the world.

She began this path more than a decade ago working in admissions at a University. Before too long she moved on to facilitating college and career workshops at hundreds of high schools all over the Atlanta Metro for tens of thousands of students. Starting her business in 2019, she began working directly with families. With her program Life Quest®, she guides students through self-discovery, career exploration, and vision creation. This leads young people to a future that allows them to live thriving and fulfilling lives.

Now located in Nova Scotia, she is bringing Life Quest® to organizations and institutions.


PLUS these special BONUSES

Valued at over $500


A one-on-one session with Emma upon completion of the program. Your teen will be able to schedule a live, 30 minute, one-on-one session with Emma at a time that is convenient to them. They can use this time to discuss anything from the course.  

Valued at $125 


Financial Aid 101 - a mini course.

Your teen will learn the difference between a scholarship, loan, and grant, as well as lesser-known financial aid options that might be available to them. 

Valued at $250


Insider Info from Scholarship and FAFSA Experts.

A lot of money is left on the table when you don't know how to get the most out of scholarship and FAFSA benefits. Hear from experts that give you insider knowledge to get the most aid you can and potentially save thousands of dollars.

Valued at $200


This self-paced course begins December 10th. Upon enrollment your teen will have access to the welcome module. December 10th they will receive the first module with each subsequent module released each following week. 

They will watch video lessons, play financial games, complete activities, and take quizzes. They will also be able to ask questions and receive answers within 48 hours.

100% No-Risk Guarantee

14-day money-back guarantee. If your teen chooses to not participate in the course you can unenroll them and request a refund. 

Choose a Pricing Option


What age group is the course designed for? I recommend ages 15-25. If you have a mature teen younger than 15, I will let you decide if the timing is right. 


I’m worried that my teen won't do the course after I enroll them. This is a common concern. So I have a 14-day money-back guarantee. If they don’t do the work or if they simply decide they don’t want to continue you can get your money back.

What if the timing doesn’t work out for my teen to do this course this summer? Even though registration is only open for a short period of time, your teen will have ongoing access to the course, so they can pick it up at a later time. 

What are the dates for the class? This is a self-paced course. Upon enrollment, your teen will have access to the welcome module. June 1st, they will receive the first module with each subsequent module released each following week. 

When does it expire? It doesn’t. As long as your teen is enrolled they will have access to the material. 

What will students do in this course? They will watch video lessons, play financial games, complete activities, and take quizzes. They will also be able to ask questions and receive answers within 48 hours.